Destiny 2 Vox Obscura Mission overview & tips how to get Flawless Completion

Destiny 2 Vox Obscura weapon

Destiny 2 Vox Obscura mission is a challenging mission that requires precision and cunning in order to complete. It presents gamers with an exciting challenge, asking them to secure the area while avoiding detection. In order to get a Flawless Completion, players must move quickly, stay hidden from guards and cameras, utilize distractions when possible and remain stealthy at all times. Here’s what you need to know about the mission and how to get a Flawless Completion.

1. Overview of the Vox Obscura Mission

The Vox Obscura mission takes place in an underground base. Players are tasked with infiltrating the area and finding a way out without being detected. The base is filled with enemy guards, cameras and automated defenses that must be avoided or destroyed in order to progress. Throughout the mission, gamers will come across various objectives such as recovering documents or disabling control systems.

2. Staying Out of Sight

The most important thing in this mission is to stay out of sight at all times. This means avoiding enemy patrols, cameras and automated defenses as much as possible. It’s also important to be aware of your surroundings and plan ahead so you know where the guards are located and what their patrol routes are. The key to success here is staying one step ahead of them by anticipating their movements and always being prepared for whatever comes next.

3. Utilizing Distractions

Distractions are a great way to distract guards and allow players to move without detection. They can be anything from throwing rocks or pieces of debris to setting off alarms or using special items found in the environment. Pay attention to your surroundings and try to find useful items like pipes, boxes or explosives that can be used as distractions. It’s important to remember that any noise you make can alert nearby guards, so use caution when creating distractions.

When it comes time for combat, try luring enemies away from their patrols with distractions before engaging them directly. This will give you an opportunity to take out targets quickly and silently without alerting any other enemies in the area. Another option is sneaking up on unsuspecting guards from behind and taking them out with a silent takedown.

4. Remaining Stealthy

Remaining stealthy is essential to achieving a Flawless Completion in Vox Obscura. It’s important to stay out of sight as much as possible, but even more important to remain silent when moving around. This means avoiding loud noises such as running and jumping, as these can easily alert nearby guards or trigger alarms.

When it comes time for combat, always try to take out enemies silently before engaging them directly. Use distractions like throwing debris or setting off alarms to draw away any nearby guards before taking them out with a silent takedown or non-lethal weapon if available. Using non-lethal weapons will also allow you to keep your cover intact since they won’t alert any other enemies in the area.

The key to remaining stealthy is to always be aware of your surroundings and plan ahead. Try to anticipate guard movements and know where they are located before attempting any kind of action. Be mindful of the environment and use it to your advantage when possible, utilizing shadows and corners for cover or hiding behind obstacles like crates or walls. Staying silent and out of sight while you move is essential if you plan on getting a Flawless Completion.

5. Timing and Coordination

Timing and coordination are essential to getting a Flawless Completion in Vox Obscura. Every second counts and players need to move quickly while remaining undetected in order to succeed. This means planning ahead and knowing what tasks you have to accomplish, as well as the optimal route to take.

It’s important to understand guard patrol routes and timing, so you know when it’s safe to move from one area to another without being detected. Utilizing distractions is also key here since they can easily buy you some precious seconds that can make all the difference between success or failure. Additionally, coordinating your movements with other players (if playing cooperatively) will help ensure that everyone remains on the same page and stays hidden from enemy detection.

Timing and coordination are also important when it comes to taking out enemies. When engaging in combat, try to time your attacks so that you can take out multiple targets quickly and silently. Aim to do as much damage in the shortest amount of time possible, while also remaining undetected in the process. If playing cooperatively, try to coordinate your movements with other players so that everyone can take out targets simultaneously while staying hidden.

6. Patience, Practice & Luck

Achieving Flawless Completion in Vox Obscura mission requires more than just skill and timing. In order to succeed, players need to have patience, practice their strategies and rely on a bit of luck. Patience is key here since the mission will take some time to complete. Players should be prepared for any number of unexpected events that may occur, such as guards changing patrol routes or cameras being added to an area. This means staying calm and collected even when things don’t go as planned, and re-planning accordingly if necessary.

Practice is also essential in achieving Destiny 2 Flawless Completion in Vox Obscura. It’s important to remember that no two runs are the same and each scenario can be approached in a variety of ways. It’s best to try out different strategies and find the one that works best for you, as this will give you an edge when it comes time to complete the mission.

Finally, luck is also needed in order to succeed in Vox Obscura mission. Even with all the skill and planning in the world, things can still go wrong at times. This means relying on some good fortune to make up for any missteps or mistakes that may occur during your run. With patience, practice and a bit of luck, gamers can make their way to the end with a Flawless Completion in Vox Obscura.

7. Achieving Flawless Completion with Ease

Achieving Flawless Completion in Vox Obscura mission is no easy feat, but with the right strategy and a bit of practice, it can be accomplished with ease. The key to success here is to plan ahead and know what tasks need to be completed, as well as the optimal route to take. It’s important to stay alert and aware of your surroundings at all times, utilizing shadows and corners for cover or hiding behind obstacles like crates or walls. Additionally, timing and coordination are essential when it comes to taking out enemies quickly without being detected. Utilizing distractions is also key here since they can easily buy you some precious seconds that can make all the difference between success or failure.

It’s also important to be mindful of guard patrol routes and their timing, as this will help you to know when it’s safe to move from one area to another without being detected. If playing cooperatively, try to coordinate your movements with other players so that everyone can take out targets simultaneously while staying hidden. Additionally, patience is a virtue in Vox Obscura. Unexpected events may occur, such as guards changing patrol routes or cameras being added to an area. This means staying calm and collected even when things don’t go as planned, and re-planning accordingly if necessary.

Finally, practice makes perfect in Vox Obscura. It’s best to try out different strategies and find the one that works best for you, as this will give you an edge when it comes time to complete the mission. Look here!

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