Vault Of Glass: Conquering The Classic Raid In Destiny 2

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As a Destiny 2 player, conquering the Vault of Glass is the ultimate challenge. It’s a legendary raid that has been around since the game’s launch and has stood the test of time as one of its most difficult and rewarding challenges.

As they say, no guts, no glory! Taking on this feat can be daunting, but with a little preparation and strategy you’ll be ready to face this classic raid head-on like an unstoppable force.

Like riding a bike, once you conquer it you won’t ever forget how to do it. So let’s get started on your journey to mastering this iconic raid!

Key Takeaways

  • Vault of Glass is a legendary raid in Destiny 2 that requires dedication and preparation to complete.
  • Certain power and light levels are required to enter the raid, as well as a specific team composition.
  • Communication and teamwork are essential for success in the Vault of Glass raid.
  • Completing the raid rewards players with exclusive loot and gear that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

Overview of the Vault of Glass

The Vault of Glass is an iconic raid in Destiny 2, and conquering it is a must for any serious player! It’s no wonder why this raid has remained a fan favorite for so many years. From its impressive storytelling elements to the historical significance of being the first ever raid released by Bungie, the Vault of Glass stands out among other raids in Destiny 2.

Not only does it offer a challenging yet rewarding experience, but it also provides players with unique rewards that can’t be found anywhere else in the game. With all these factors combined, you can see why the Vault of Glass is so special.

Entering and completing the Vault of Glass requires dedication and preparation. Knowledge of specific strategies and mechanics is crucial for success. There are several key requirements needed to even enter the vault, including having an appropriately leveled character and having completed certain story missions.

To ensure success within the raid itself, communication between team members is essential. Fireteam size is limited to six people per attempt. With these points in mind, it’s clear that taking on the Vault of Glass will require time and effort from anyone brave enough to take on this epic challenge – but those who do will find themselves greatly rewarded!

Requirements for Entering the Vault

To enter the fabled Vault, it requires a group of guardians with exceptional skills and expertise – like a finely-tuned machine. In order to gain access to the Vault, guardians must meet certain requirements:

  • Guardians must be at least 300 power level to make it past the gates of the Vault.
  • All participating guardians must be at least 325 light level or higher.
  • The fireteam is limited to 3 Titans, 2 Warlocks, and 1 Hunter. This team composition is necessary for unlocking various secrets within the raid.

With all these qualifications met, a fireteam can prepare for an epic adventure that will test their strength and skill as they battle their way through this legendary challenge.

Successfully conquering the Vault of Glass will bring great rewards, but also immense satisfaction that comes from mastering one of Destiny 2’s most iconic raids.

Gaining Access to the Vault

Once you’ve met the power and light level requirements and assembled a team of Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters, you’re ready to take on the legendary challenge.

Gaining access to the Vault of Glass requires more than just meeting the minimum criteria. Each fireteam member must ensure that their gear is properly maintained in order to be as effective as possible against enemies such as Vex Minotaurs and Hydra.

Coordinating your team is also essential for success. If each person isn’t on the same page during a fight, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by enemies and fail at completing objectives. Nothing can replace good communication between teammates when it comes to conquering this raid.

You now have all the necessary tools needed to gain access to the Vault of Glass, but what will it take to emerge victorious? The strategies you’ll need are covered in detail in our next section.

Strategies for Conquering the Raid

Gearing up to tackle the legendary raid in Destiny isn’t easy, but with the right strategy and a bit of finesse, you can emerge victorious. To give yourself the best chance at success, it’s essential to break down the mechanics of each encounter and optimize teamwork.

Here are some key points that will help you conquer the Vault:

  • Prioritize communication – let your teammates know what’s happening on your end and listen for their directions.
  • Break down objectives into smaller tasks – this makes them easier to manage and more likely to succeed.
  • Take advantage of enemy weaknesses – ensure everyone understands which enemies should be taken out first.
  • Utilize special abilities – use supers, grenades, and other tools as needed to finish encounters quickly.
  • Adapt when necessary – if something isn’t working, switch strategies or roles until you find a successful solution.

By following these steps, you can set yourself up for success in tackling Destiny’s most powerful challenge.

With victory comes great rewards–the next section will discuss what awaits those who complete the Vault of Glass raid.

Rewards for Completing the Raid

After completing the legendary challenge of the Vault of Glass raid in Destiny 2, you’ll be rewarded with exclusive loot and gear that can help you on your next adventure.

As part of a rewards system, upon completion players are granted loot drops that contain rare items such as armor, weapons, and emblems. These items are unique to the raid and can only be obtained from it.

Additionally, there’s also a chance to receive some of the most powerful exotic weapons in Destiny 2 – all for conquering this epic challenge!

The rewards for completing the Vault of Glass are well worth the effort as they enable players to obtain powerful gear that will help them progress through other content in Destiny 2. With these exclusive rewards comes increased power and a greater sense of accomplishment too.

And with that said, it’s time to tackle some of the challenges posed by this one-of-a-kind raid.

Challenges of the Raid

Taking on the legendary Vault of Glass isn’t easy, and it requires true bravery and determination to overcome its challenges. Here are 4 key components to keep in mind:

  1. A deep understanding of each encounter.
  2. The ability to quickly adapt in case something unexpected occurs.
  3. An awareness of which roles need to be filled during each phase.
  4. Knowing how long it will take your team from start to finish.

These components form an integral part for any Guardian brave enough to attempt this legendary raid. It requires both individual skill and teamwork from everyone involved. With the right preparation and strategy, though, it’s possible for any fireteam to conquer the Vault of Glass and reap the rewards awaiting them at its end.

Now that you know some of what must be done in order for success, let’s move onto advanced strategies for tackling this classic raid with greater ease.

Advanced Strategies

With the right strategies, even the toughest of foes can be overcome, and tackling the Vault of Glass is no exception. The key to success is in having a strong team composition and utilizing checkpointing strategies.

It’s essential that all players are comfortable with their roles, have enough firepower at their disposal, and know how to use it effectively. When selecting a team composition for defeating the Vault of Glass, it’s important to consider what type of enemies you’ll encounter as well as any special abilities your team may need to deal with them.

For example, if you know there will be Vex Minotaurs present during your raid attempt, make sure your team has powerful weapons such as sniper rifles or rocket launchers that can take them down quickly.

Once you’ve settled on a team composition that can handle whatever comes your way, it’s time to plan out your checkpointing strategy. This means deciding when each player should save their progress so they won’t have to start from scratch if they die or disconnect from the game. It also helps ensure that everyone knows which areas have been completed and which still need work—this way nobody wastes time trying to complete objectives they’ve already done before!

Finally, it’s important for every player on the team to coordinate their efforts when attempting difficult tasks like taking down bosses or completing puzzles; by communicating clearly and dividing up responsibilities ahead of time everyone can ensure maximum efficiency when tackling these challenges together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the recommended level for attempting the Vault of Glass Raid?

The recommended level for attempting the Vault of Glass raid is 12 or higher. With the right strategies, you can be successful in this challenging raid regardless of your current level.

What is the estimated time to complete the Vault of Glass Raid?

Strategically planning and forming the right team composition can drastically reduce the time needed to complete a Vault of Glass raid. With the right approach, it’s possible to finish in under an hour.

Are there any additional rewards for completing the Vault of Glass Raid on a certain difficulty?

Completing the Vault of Glass raid on a higher difficulty offers more rewards. On each step up in difficulty, loot drops increase by 25%, while strategy differences between difficulties become more pronounced. It’s an exciting challenge for experienced raiders with an increased payoff!

Is there a leaderboard for the Vault of Glass Raid?

Yes, there is a leaderboard for the Vault of Glass raid. It ranks players based on their raid strategies and loot drops, so I’m always striving to be at the top. My experience has taught me that success comes with detailed and knowledgeable preparation.

Are there any tips for playing the Vault of Glass Raid with a group of friends?

When playing the Vault of Glass raid with friends, it’s important to plan a strategy and coordinate as a team. Make sure everyone has an assigned role and that all players are clear on what they need to do. Communication is key for success!


Conquering the Vault of Glass was a formidable challenge, but I’m proud to say I did it.

Every step of the way, from gaining access to strategizing for success and finally succeeding in completing the raid, was an incredible journey.

The rewards were great and the knowledge gained invaluable – not just about this raid, but about myself too.

Now that I’ve conquered the classic Destiny 2 raid, there’s no stopping me!

Nothing can stand in my way as I set out on new adventures and continue to hone my skills.

Look here!

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